4gune, a new Regional Skills Partnership in Europe
The European Commission has included 4gune as one of the initiatives recognised as part of the 4th anniversary of the European Skills Pact. 4gune, a Basque cluster based around university education on engineering, science and technology, and its ecosystem, will contribute towards developing the talent and competitiveness of the Basque Country up to 2030.
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4gune partners with the global competition “Universities for Goal 13”
4GuneStudents from SDSN member institutions in the Basque Country, UPV/EHU and Deusto University, are invited to participate in the UN global competition to address the energy transition. In this edition, 4gune will support both institutions during the application and selection process.

Asier Albizu: "We need a new model of collaboration that responds to sectoral needs, based on interdisciplinarity and highly qualified talent."
4GuneBIOLAN, which has recently won the National Innovation Award 2024, is one of the companies participating in the first edition of the 4gune + PARKE Programme. In this interview, Asier Albizu, CEO at BIOLAN presents his organisation, as well as his vision of Business + University cooperation for the development of solutions, knowledge transfer and talent attraction.

PARKE companies and 4gune Faculties and Schools collaborate to respond to the challenges of industry in the Basque Country
4Gune4gune – Basque University Training Cluster for Engineering, Science and Technology and the Basque Country's Technology Park – Parke, have signed a collaboration agreement for the creation of a new cooperation programme between universities and companies.

The Basque University System, the driving force behind the internationalisation of the Basque Country
4GuneThe 4gune cluster will coordinate the first Basque International Master in the area of Quantum Technologies - BIM Quantum -, in collaboration with the Directorate of University Policy and Coordination of the Basque Government and the universities of the SUV. This action is part of the Framework Strategy Universities + Euskadi Basque Country 2030 presented by the Basque Government in 2024.

AIC Open University selects 13 university projects to address strategic challenges in the mobility sector
4GuneUPV/EHU, University of Deusto and Mondragon Unibertsitatea, members of the 4gune ecosystem, have responded to the call of the 4gune Business+University programme for the 2023/24 academic year, ‘AIC Open University’, to transfer knowledge from the university to the company through 13 projects focusing on design, simulation, advanced materials and manufacturing technologies, aimed at different vehicle concepts.

4gune presents the Executive Course "Smart Industry: Technology-baseed Decision Making"
4GuneThe new upskilling programme of the 4gune Cluster will contribute to respond to the digital transition in the Basque Country, through inter-university training provided in collaboration with the Faculties and Schools of Engineering, Science and Technology of the Basque Country and the BRTA Technology Alliance.

Erik Garayalde: "The 4gune Business+University programme is a window to introduce students and their talent to local companies and their challenges"
4GuneThe "Design and assembly of a single-phase wind turbine" project was selected as part of the 2022/23 call of the #Students4Sustainability programme in collaboration with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE). This Business + University cooperation project was led by students doing an Energy Engineering Degree at Mondragon University with the aim of contributing to the energy transition in the Basque Country in collaboration with SGRE.

Newsletter | The Gune community highlights some 2023 milestones
4GuneThis year the Gune Community has continued to grow and advance in the connection between Higher Education + Business with 42 new projects.

The RENSKILL and S4SYMB projects, funded by the #Students4Sustainability programme, continue to generate high-impact scientific knowledge
4GuneBoth research projects have been funded by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) in the framework of its collaboration with the 4gune - Basque Engineering, Science and Technology Cluster, which includes, among other university centres, the Deusto Faculty of Engineering. RENSKILL and S4SYMB are aimed at identifying competences in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

4gune and KSIgune present Business+University connection opportunities to Basque Technology Park entities
4GuneOn 10 October, the conference "University talent: an opportunity for your business" was organised by the Basque Technology Park Network as part of the K-Business programme. The event addressed the talent in the university environment and its arrival at Basque companies, through the 4gune Business+University and KSIgune Connections programmes.

Naiara Vidal: "The 4gune Executive Inter-university Training Programme has contributed to the digital transformation of the Basque industrial sector”.
4GuneThe first edition of the Smart Industry Executive Programme has been successfully completed in 2023, coordinated by 4gune - Basque Engineering, Science and Technology Cluster, with the support of the Basque Government’s Deputy Ministry for Universities and Research and the academic committee, which is made up of the IMH Advanced Manufacturing Campus, the Faculty of Engineering at Deusto University, Goi Eskola Politeknikoa - Mondragon University and Tecnun- Navarra University.

Promotion and training of scientific-technological talent in the context of the Basque 2030 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2030
4GuneThe Basque Country Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2030 (PCTI 2030) represents the region’s strategic commitment to Research and Innovation. This plan identifies 4gune as one of the main knowledge and technology infrastructures for the training and promotion of business R&D, from the perspective of University+Business collaboration.