
Erik Garayalde: "The 4gune Business+University programme is a window to introduce students and their talent to local companies and their challenges"

The "Design and assembly of a single-phase wind turbine" project was selected as part of the 2022/23 call of the #Students4Sustainability programme in collaboration with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE). This Business + University cooperation project was led by students doing an Energy Engineering Degree at Mondragon University with the aim of contributing to the energy transition in the Basque Country in collaboration with SGRE.

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Imaginando la universidad del futuro y preparándose para ello

Imaginando la universidad del futuro y preparándose para ello


Presentado este mes de julio, el Estudio sobre la situación y retos de las universidades españolas ante la transformación digital, de la mano de la REDFUE Red Española de Fundaciones Universidad y Empresa y la Conferencia de Consejos Sociales sobre las universidades españolas.

4GUNE participa en la International Summit on collaborative experiences University- Industry

4GUNE participa en la International Summit on collaborative experiences University- Industry


4GUNE participa en la International Summit en el ámbito de Configuración y desarrollo de ecosistemas de I+D+i entre Universidad-Empresa-Estado (Bogotá, Colombia). 13 de julio de 2020.

Euskampus participates in the last University Industry Interaction UIIN Conference

Euskampus participates in the last University Industry Interaction UIIN Conference


UIIN – a dynamic network committed to driving innovation and entrepreneurship through university-industry interaction, in a social-distancing context and lockdown world, the spirit goes on.

Success at the first “oncology” interclustering day

Success at the first “oncology” interclustering day


The first Interclustering Day organised under the framework of the Euroregional ONCONAEN project related to cancer was held in Bordeaux on 26 June with great success.

Cluster 4Gune participates in the UIIN 2018 LONDON

Cluster 4Gune participates in the UIIN 2018 LONDON


The Cluster 4Gune took part in UIIN 2018 London from 20 to 22 June.

Four meetings for the Bio industry

Four meetings for the Bio industry


The objective of the meetings is to promote cross-border projects in which industry and researchers from public and private health sector entities from the three territories work together.