Business + Unibertsity Programme

Present a business challenge or participate from the University in calls for projects to respond to the challenges of smart industry.

4gune Ecosystem

Collaborate with the Faculties, Centres and Entities in the Basque Country which are part of 4gune.


Learn about the training, research and transfer capacities offered by the 4gune Schools and Faculties.

4GUNE is the Basque Cluster for University Training in Engineering, Science and Technology.

It is led and promoted by the Basque Government’s Department of Education and embraces 11 Centres from the Basque University System, the Basque Industry 4.0 Steering Group, the Basque Innovation Agency – Innobasque, the Basque Business Confederation – Confebask and their partners, Adegi, Cebek and SEA, SPRI and the Automotive Intelligence Center (AIC).

More info

Short Learning Programme
Access the gune+ community
The gune+ community is the connection space for the members of the 4gune Science, Technology and Engineering cluster.